Educational gaming ~ WOW ~ literally World of Warcraft is it's own world! People like living in this other world. They can create who they want to be, who they want as friends,etc.... When they are done dealing with the character or life they created, they delete it and begin again.
"Simulations are the products that result when one creates the appearance or effect of something else. Games are contests in which both players and opponents operate under rules to gain a specified objective.
There are two types of academic games: simulation games and non-simulation games. Non-simulation games are those in which a player solves problems in a school subject such as spelling or mathematics by making use of principles of that subject or discipline. The other type of academic game is the simulation game in which participants are provided with a simulated environment in which to play. These games are intended to provide students with insight into the process or event from the real world which is being simulated.
It is the use of simulation games which holds the most promise as a truly dynamic educational tool." (Jerry Seay, 2007)
I remember reading about the computer simulations for leaders in an article recently. I wanted to see the actual simulations, not read about them. To me this was frustrating. The author could have put a feed in. Though I could not find the article "situated learning environments" in Sakai, I can fathom what it may be about. It this what university learning is about?Reality for our students is not about thinking of gaming as a powerful tool for education. They are learning, but don't realize it. I love how standardized curricula are including Bloom's taxonomy and Gardner's multiple intelligences as preferred models in Australia. MicroWorld's are part of our curricula now, whether we like it or not. We need to embrace this new world of teaching using the ideas in this article on new smart boards. Our student's deserve it!